IMO it would be nice if this newsgroup focused more on discussion of
PROGRAMS. If you succumb to the urge to post a comment re another
individual or the quality of an individual's post I suggest setting the
FOLLOWUP to alt.comp.freeware.discussion - as I have done with this
post. See you over there. :)
Good luck with that. ;-)I've been preaching don't feed the trolls
forever. Better to filter the troll feeders, too.
Yeah, my suggestion will probably rank right up there with your "don't
feed the trolls posts" in effectiveness. ;)
Some days it seems to me that the only ACF posts are:
1. troll posts
2. snarky replies to troll posts
3. "don't feed the troll" posts
4. "here's how to filter the trolls" posts
5. "that post wasn't from me. it's a forgery" posts.
THE topic in ACF is freeware programs. ANYTHING else that's posted in
ACF is noise. It would be nice if the "good guys" started posting ONLY
about PROGRAMS. ACFG is available for off-topic discussions that are
merely "related" to ACF.
Search alt.comp.freeware (or read it online):
Pricelessware & ACF:
Pricelessware: (not maintained)