What's this NG about?
(too old to reply)
Richard Steinfeld
2009-05-06 08:26:08 UTC
I'm confused about why this newsgroup exists. Every day or two, Susan
puts a post here that says that this newsgroup is a different newsgroup.
And there seem to be days without posts, and most posts are about other

Can someone fill me in?

2009-05-06 20:44:11 UTC
Post by Richard Steinfeld
I'm confused about why this newsgroup exists. Every day or two, Susan
puts a post here that says that this newsgroup is a different newsgroup.
And there seem to be days without posts, and most posts are about other
Can someone fill me in?
Good point. Unused and not needed as alt.comp.freeware seems to handle
the discussion of freeware (and cats and just about everything else),
Best - POKO
2009-05-06 20:45:56 UTC
Post by Richard Steinfeld
I'm confused about why this newsgroup exists. Every day or two, Susan
puts a post here that says that this newsgroup is a different newsgroup.
And there seem to be days without posts, and most posts are about other
Can someone fill me in?
Right on. ACF seems to handle freewaare discussion and cats and
everything else that comes to mind,
Best - POKO
Richard Steinfeld
2009-05-06 23:58:23 UTC
Post by POKO
Right on. ACF seems to handle freewaare discussion and cats and
everything else that comes to mind,
But this NG is refeshingly clear of the spamming and gladiator bloodbath
that is the other NG. Except that it's also almost totally clear of
anything useful. And Susan keeps dumping those posts here that say that
this is the other NG. I don't think that she's aware of that. Do you?

2009-05-07 11:47:35 UTC
Post by Richard Steinfeld
Post by POKO
Right on. ACF seems to handle freewaare discussion and cats and
everything else that comes to mind,
But this NG is refeshingly clear of the spamming and gladiator bloodbath
that is the other NG. Except that it's also almost totally clear of
anything useful. And Susan keeps dumping those posts here that say that
this is the other NG. I don't think that she's aware of that. Do you?
I do. The nature of this ng is common knowledge,
Best - POKO
Richard Steinfeld
2009-05-20 03:02:05 UTC
Post by POKO
I do. The nature of this ng is common knowledge,
Poko, "common knowledge to whom?"
Certainly not to me, and I've been around these parts for a long time.
It's incumbent upon people who post stuff on public forums to be clear.


Susan Bugher
2009-05-07 16:12:50 UTC
Post by Richard Steinfeld
I'm confused about why this newsgroup exists. Every day or two, Susan
puts a post here that says that this newsgroup is a different newsgroup.
And there seem to be days without posts, and most posts are about other
Can someone fill me in?
Sure - read one of the ACF posts for a *brief* rundown on the various
ACF newsgroups. The most recent post was sent on March 29 -> I hope your
news provider has good retention.

Posted to alt.comp.freeware
Search alt.comp.freeware (or read it online):
Pricelessware & ACF: http://www.pricelesswarehome.org
Pricelessware: http://www.pricelessware.org (not maintained)
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